Fortune et Gloire

What is Fortune et Gloire?
We value the local community and we believe nothing is more important than spending time with nature. We've decided to combine our love for both bringing people together and the outdoors by putting together actual treasure hunts, a series which we've termed Fortune et Gloire, French for Fortune and Glory.
How does Fortune et Gloire work?
Simply put, we hide a box and whoever is the first to decode the ciphers, follow the clues, and find the box containing the key will be deemed the winner. The key unlocks the safe at our shop that contains the fortune. To participate in the hunt, you must purchase our treasure hunting kit. The kit contains all the necessary items needed to find the key.
Once a hunt is announced, kits will be available for pre-order. All kits will be shipped out and available for pick up on the day the hunt begins so everyone can start at the same time. Didn't make it in time to pre-order a kit? Don't worry. Kits will be sold until the box is found.
Start Date: TBD | Status: In Development
Start Date: 7/1/2020 | Status: Treasure claimed
Location: Iowa
Prizes: One Winner
- $100 worth of gold coins
- Ownership of the Fertility Idol. The Idol will serve as a lifetime 15% off coupon for anything in the shop. No expiration, no limit on number of purchases. 15%. Forever.
- A brand new Filson Field Watch